HMB is a leader in Environmental Services. Our permitted biologists, geologists, noise analysts and NEPA writers all work together to provide thorough and sound solutions for all types of environmentally sensitive projects. In addition, HMB uses a client-oriented approach to meet individual environmental project needs.
Our team can solve many environmental challenges, ranging from ecological surveys for industrial developments to environmental documentation and coordinating public involvement for major projects. Our team documents field and laboratory findings, researches databases and other sources for relevant information, analyzes the findings, and then produces professional recommendations and studies detailing conditions, impacts, and proposed mitigation measures in the project area.
HMB’s documents are prepared in compliance with all appropriate federal and national standards. In particular, HMB specializes in NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) compliance. This expertise has been developed through the years of providing a variety of environmental services, including:
- 401 & 404 Permitting
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Biological Assessments
- Wetland Delineation & Mitigation
- Terresterial & Aquatic Habitat Analysis
- Air Quality and Noise Assessment
- Stream Restoration Design
- Hazardous Waste Site Sampling